Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Gone Gator Radio is a HIT!

Thank you, thank you!

Not even a week old and Gone Gator Radio is loved by Tom Petty & The Heartbreaker fans all over the world!

Here are some of the comments we've been getting:

Hometown Bluesman – "This is the best.. Tom Petty radio… already on a preset...GREAT MUSIC!!!

Normandi – "Man... can't wait to get home to do chores so I can listen to Gone Gator Radio !!!! "

Clarissa – "There are good things in life... this is one of them. Soooo happy I can play it at work. What a way to start the day! A TPATH 24/7 station"

Kemmitt – "Thanks so much Sean. This is awesome, finally some quality radio on the internet ."

GoodToBeKing2006 – "Hot Damn this is good stuff radio cant stop listening"

The Wild One Forever – "This radio station has inspired me to post on the BBS for the first time in years. Most things said on here belong in one of two categories: rumors without basis or people passing through just trying to stir the unknowing into defensive mode. .I just wanted to say that this radio stream is fantastic!!

If you haven't checked it out yet, click on the Gone Gator Radio banner. Come see what all the fuss is about. I will be doing live DJ shows from Atlanta and Bornarebel will be doing a show from LA. With a catalog of music as great, deep and as widely loved as Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, we thought this band deserved their OWN radio station. has always provided you the fans with dependable information regarding the band. With a summer tour being booked and a new album coming out, we plan to surpass anything we've ever done previously through our new radio station. Contests and live phone ins are in the works!

Tell all your friends to check out Gone Gator Radio! And let's make the band's 30th anniversary a memorable one!


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