Monday, February 21, 2005

Summer Tour Date Announced

There are always going to be some that doubt, but some are just jealous. Tell what's her name on the BBS to bite ME! The Summer Tour dates have begun to trickle in. Just because this is the first announced, doesn't mean it's the first date of the tour. Look for lots more to come SPORADICALLY!

Rock Fest
Sat 07/16/05
Cadott, WI
Chippewa Valley Festival Grounds

Here's the bill for that day. Maybe I'll work this show with my former partners in crime, Jackyl, and do "Just Do Me Like That." We should have it recorded by then. Whatcha think?

Saturday July 16, 2005
12:45 TBA
2:15 TBA
4:15 Jackyl
6:30 TBA
8:45 TBA
11:00 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

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